Did you know . . . Some children are living in DSS offices across the Upstate of South Carolina because there are not enough foster homes?
Our community has tragically failed these children and it is time that we collectively act to solve this problem. Each week there are new calls for children that need a home which go unanswered simply because there are no foster families to receive these children.
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Foster Care
Foster families restore hope to children by providing for their highest level of uncertainty – where they will sleep at night.

Often relatives will help when a family member’s child is removed from their home. This can be overwhelming and we can help.

Respite Care
Temporary Fostering
Can’t foster full-time? You can still become a short-term foster family to relieve other foster full-time families.
We are not a fundraising organization… we are simply a collection of regular people who learned about the foster care problems in the Upstate of South Carolina due to personal experiences with the family court system.
Once we learned about the problem we knew we had to do something and this is what we came up with. Join us to solving this problem in our community.
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